By now, everyone has noticed the march of social justice types through various geek media; no longer content with film, television, and publishing, they have invaded comics, video games, and tabletop games, to scrub it clean of “problematic” content. If it doesn’t have the right mix of approved races, sexes, and attitudes, campaigns are launched to shame creators away from topics that Social Justice dislikes. Deviate and you will be branded a bigot; no escape is permitted.
But why can’t social justice types use their well-funded operations to make their own media and games and prove scoiety wrong about them? Why do they have to put far more prominent creators on a leash and force them to only make things Social Justice likes? Why must they force compliance from artists large and small?
Because Social Justice demands a captive audience.
Social Justice believes that by bullying creators for having white characters, or by shrieking at masculine males and sexy females, they will save the world. Because large companies such as Nintendo, Wizards of the Coast, Marvel, and others have so much market share and brand recognition, Social Justice uses them, combined with their control of film, TV, and publishing, to make sure that all high-quality content acts as propaganda.
They believe they will prevent society’s moral decay. Hobbies are not diversions to them, but social education.
Of course, smaller outfits can publish work that isn’t pre-screened, but this work is harder to find and often is not professional quality. Thus Social Justice ignores marginal works; this way, they can claim to support free speech while ensuring that this speech is only done where no one can hear it. But once an unapproved work gains great recognition, they try to slander the creators. Unapproved work put out by a large brand truly drives them crazy, because high-quality work breaks Social Justice’s illusion of control.
Social Justice knows that its restrictive doctrines cannot compete in the open market, so it creates a climate of terror to force more talented people into the fold. However, we have the Internet, and non-compliant content is easier to find than ever. You will be a captive to Social Justice only if you choose to.
As usual, you are spot-on. “Captive audience” is a great way to put it. It’s all about control, over what you see, what you hear, and ultimately what you think.
“Social Justice knows that its restrictive doctrines cannot compete in the open market, so it creates a climate of terror to force more talented people into the fold.”
This sentence is perfect, and explains the techniques of infiltration and subversion.
It’s all about control, over what you see, what you hear, and ultimately what you think.
The worst thing about it is that they do this with the full approval of their consciences, since they think they’re saving the world.
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I can sum it up thusly: “Competition is a sin.”
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