A white male.
On a Discord chat I was in, I saw Superversive Press put out a call for submissions to an anothology celebrating masculinity. Since I was knee deep in my own projects, I ignored it — after all, I was already writing something and I didn’t want to saddle myself with more work. I was going to let it pass.
Then I saw these folks snark about it.
I changed my mind.
Only a small press like Superversive can do something like this — this option is not open to MacMillan or any other big publisher. If Big Pub did this, it would be quickly retracted with an apology about how they messed up and caused harm, followed by a promise to “do better” — and in spite of it all, said publisher will still be branded as bigoted.
No matter — all the more reason to put in an entry for “To Be Men.” I hope I’m selected; rumor has it they’ll be getting more slush than usual, and it won’t all be honest. No sensitivity readers, of course — that’s a protection racket that doesn’t even protect.
Whatever happens, I’m happy to take part in creating a sci-fi and fantasy publishing space free from thought policing, the precise opposite of what the SJWs in publishing want.
The whole backlash is incredible since it is a woman who spearheaded it. People will complain about anything, I guess.
I submitted a story back when it was first announced and am eagerly awaiting to see if I’m picked. This sounds like a fun subject to center stories around.
The whole backlash is incredible since it is a woman who spearheaded it.
She’s not parroting the party line, so the SJWs are mad.
I submitted a story back when it was first announced and am eagerly awaiting to see if I’m picked.
Best of luck to you; I hope you’re selected.
The comments are popcorn-worthy already btw
Yeah, the tweets are pretty terrible.
Wow just wow. I wonder how those twits will react if you’re selected for the anthology? Won’t it be utterly precious to see their narrative lies explode?
And I can even predict them stating you’ve been subverted with false consciousness, internalizing racism; ashamed of who you are etc.
Well best of luck. I hope that your story is selected along with JD’s
Thank you. I hope to bring you all a most entertaining story.
Right on! Best of luck, Rawle.
As of right now, I’m almost done drafting my entry.