All Trading Card Games Are Print and Play

When I first heard about the Pokemon card shortage (yes, really), I realized something very important: All trading card games are print and play. It has always been easy to create mockup trading cards for personal use, and I’m going to explain how.

First, buy as many protective card sleeves as you need. Next, buy several packs of regular playing cards. After that, get art of the cards you want and print them out, making sure that they are a little bit smaller than the playing cards. Finally, cut out the card art and slip it into the sleeve.

Now, you no longer have to worry about rare cards or spending excessively on booster packs. Just print out the cards you want and play the game. Furthermore, mockups don’t have to be for existing games; if you want to make your own trading card game, you can test it out right there at home with a group of friends.

Obviously, mockup cards based on existing games cannot be used in official organized play. I’d go so far as to say that purchasable trading cards exist for three groups: Kids, so they can get straight into the game with minimal prep. Collectors, so that they have something high-quality to acquire. And finally, competitive players, so that they have something to compete over.

Speaking of trading cards, I have two one individual Pokemon card for sale as of this post:

Rayquaza Delta Species 16/110 (EX Holon Phantoms) SOLD

Mewtwo Black Star Promo 3 (Pokemon: The First Movie)

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