Work With What You Have

“Someday, I’ll write that book.”

“Someday, I’ll learn an instrument.”

“Someday, I’ll make a film.”

We all want to do something someday. Some of us even know that someday is today.

But what we don’t realize is that we should work with what we have.

Look at Comics Matter with Ya Boi Zack (formerly Diversity and Comics) on YouTube. Is that content slick and expensive to produce? No. But it covers content of interest to people and is released frequently, enough to build its audience in a steady way. He didn’t wait someday until he magically had everything, he took what little he had and got right to work.

Likewise, I’ve always wanted to make visual entertainment, so when I realized I was sitting on a treasure trove of art and music assets, I made my short film Defeat the Witch! I didn’t wait on anybody, I did my best with what I had on hand.

It’s easy to look at slick big-budget stuff and be discouraged, but if you want to get anywhere close to that level, you have to keep going at it, little by little. There is no shortcut, no cheap exploit you can use — you have to put in the work.

If you want to help me make more films, purchase a copy of Shining Tomorrow Volume 1: Shadow Heart.

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4 Responses to Work With What You Have

  1. Xavier Basora says:


    Thanks for the encouragement
    I’ve read a lot many thrillers and other genres that I’m writing a mecha novel and a Deusvult wastelander one.

    I have some issues I want to broach while telling a fun story (or at least giving it a shot).
    It’s hard work but rewarding to write something. I hope that soon readers will agree.


    • Rawle Nyanzi says:

      More power to you. This is how we get ahead.

      • Xavier Basora says:


        Thanks. I also want to address some tropes that while critical still pays hommage to them. The good guy still wins, stil gets the girl and justice is still meted

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